Car Accident Avoidance Tips
In light of the new year, we'd like to go over a few accident avoidance practices. Drive safe everyone.
1. Check blind spots.
Side mirrors and review mirrors are not enough. Always do a head check before changing lanes. Also be aware of other vehicle's blind spots as they could not be looking.
2. Judge the driver by the cars condition.
Typically a driver with an expensive car or a well-maintained car hints that they are cautious with their vehicle, which can also mean they are cautious drivers. Those who don't take care of their car might not be as cautious.
3. Know your car's limit.
Understanding what your car can do is an advantage. Don't over do it - pushing it to drive through poor conditions if it can't handle it is dangerous.
4. Keep your car in good shape.
Regular maintenance like oil changes, tire rotations and changing brakes not only help keep your vehicle in peak operating condition it also helps make you drive safer.